Good Morning 06-15-22 – Orce on the radio

Good Morning 06-15-22 – Orce – 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
11:00 Antonio García Serrano, El Balcón de Orce cave houses. (676 22 66 58), for 2, 4 and 6 people with spectacular views.
11:15 Paco Arrés Gómez, Cuevas el Agua. only 1 cave, where artists have been housed. the cave is next to a cave with a pocket of underground water.
11:30 Mari Carmen Torres The Cave House La Veranda. It is in a village, it is the first cave where tourism was born in cave houses, jacuzzi, swimming pool, in the middle of the field.
11:45 La Mimbrera Restaurant, Luis Fernando Casanova. located in the cellars of a century palace